Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Greetings all. I adore exceptional writing, and am a huge fan of "The Leftovers" series by HBO.
I was re-watching and researching last season, and had to stop at a pivotal moment where Kevin Garvey eulogizes Patti after (wont ruin) the climax of their interaction (S1 Ep.10). As a reverse engineer Creative Producer/Editor, I'd like to give my two cents in such a wonderfully thought out scene; of which, Actors Justin Theroux and Christopher Eccleston dominate our empathy with their on point domination of script.

Kevin's acceptance of his situation. His "missing shirts" outlining a past life of confusion. Patti about to be buried which represents a previous tension.

Matt's character development in play. Though the act is brutal, he holds fast to his ideals.

Two hands initially holding the bible. Kevin is in control until he realizes that this is not just another task to simply exist.

Still reading.

The dirt to showcase where Kevin is in this present moment

Then two hands grasp the Bible when he begins to understand why Matt chose this passage.

Matt sees Kevin's knowledge

Kevin sees the point of the passage

But does Kevin fully understand? 

How do we know Matt is not equally putting on a face for confidence in his own "control" of acceptance? 

Regardless, we see a movement within Kevin that is not a situational stimulant.

And we see exactly what we are moving on from

Haza, Kevin actually is human. He does feel the departure, regardless that he has been defined as a non-feeler on the side of community representative

Take all this for however you'd like. Given the situations we've experienced, I see no better transition than that of proper writing. If you've been following the second season, I implore you to look into the first again. Please see below for video.